WoWiTech Limited

Your reliable partner in the wholesale trade of electronics and digital technology
Rm 5003, /F 5, Yau Lee Centre, 45 Hoi Yuen road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
More than 25+ trusted suppliers

We will select products

Fill in the contact details our manager will contact you to select the necessary products
Why choose us

We work only with famous global brands that have earned the trust of customers

We provide quality certificates and manufacturer warranties
Our catalog includes thousands of products to meet any request
Flexible rates depending on the order volume, working directly with manufacturers
Products of WoWiTech
We collaborate with the best electronics manufacturers to provide you with high-quality electronics from around the world through a single distributor. Our catalog includes a wide range of product categories:
Photography Equipment
Cameras, lenses, flashes, photo printers
Video Equipment
Video cameras,
drones, stabilization systems
Light sources, mounts, backgrounds, synchronizers
Studio Lighting
Accessories and Components
Camera bags, tripods, storage media
Computer Equipment
Laptops, tablets, monitors, system units
Radio systems, microphones, headphones, mixers, speakers, game controllers
Portable Electronics
Measuring Equipment
Measuring temperature, humidity, pressure, light, speed, noise, electricity, radiation
Optical Instruments
Binoculars, rangefinders, microscopes, night vision devices, telescopes
Telephony, cellular signal boosters, GSM antennas
Communication Equipment
Get in Touch
To receive the full product catalog, please leave your email address.
How we Work
Our cooperation process is transparent and straightforward
[ Step 1 ]
Processing client requests, selecting product items, and estimating costs.
[ Step 2 ]
Negotiating terms, presenting product samples upon request, and signing the contract.
Assembling the order.
Delivering to the client's address.
[ Step 3 ]
We value your trust, so each client is assigned a personal manager who will accompany you at every stage of our cooperation. Submit a request for a free consultation with a leading manager from WoWiTech Limited.
About Us
WoWiTech Limited specializes in the wholesale supply of electronics from the best manufacturers in China, the USA, Europe, and Japan. Our assortment includes thousands of products designed to satisfy the most discerning customers. We provide effective and innovative trading solutions in the field of high-tech electronics and believe that the high quality of our products and service can raise the standards of the entire industry.
Transparent terms of cooperation, compliance with deadlines and other conditions
Each batch of goods is inspected before being shipped to the client
Fast delivery of orders of any volume and composition
We adhere to ISO international safety standards for the environment
Our partners
trusted suppliers
Get in Touch
To receive the full product catalog, please leave your email address.
Rm 5003, /F 5, Yau Lee Centre, 45 Hoi Yuen road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Your reliable partner in the wholesale trade of electronics and digital technology
9.00 - 19.00
2024. WoWiTech Limited
Get in Touch
Fill in the contact details our manager will contact you as soon as possible
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Rm 5003, /F 5, Yau Lee Centre, 45 Hoi Yuen road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
9.00 - 19.00